News and tips

Five Great Reasons to Use Sand Blasting Services

Five Great Reasons to Use Sand Blasting Services

Sand blasting is one of several impact finishing techniques that can be used to clean surfaces. It relies on using materials applied under high pressure, either in air or water, to a particular part of a machine or a whole item, like a car…

All About Soda Blasting

All About Soda Blasting

There are plenty of materials around that can and are used for blasting metals and other surfaces such as plastics and wood, either to clean them or prepare them for painting. Impact finishing techniques include shot, sand and bead blasting, for instance. if you’ve never heard of soda…

“I have used Metalblast for the last twelve years. They always do a great job.”

Giles Stewart

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For sand blasting or other impact finishing services that deliver every time contact us at Metalblast. We're based in Poole and service local clients and big name brands across the UK. Contact us on 01202 672 152 or get in touch by clicking the button below.